Should you have any complaints about the obstetric care received or about the treatment by the midwife, we recommend you to speak to the midwife first. If a talk isn’t possible, by whatever circumstances, there is a possibility to propose the complaint to the Commission of Complaints of the KNOV. You could also propose the complaint about the midwife to this commission if the midwife has leaded your eerstelijns (policlinic) delivery in hospital.

The KNOV Commission of Complaints:

  • Makes a verdict on the justness of your complaint;
  • Can make a recommendation to the midwife;
  • Handles your complaint independently;
  • Uses the principle of hearing both sides;
  • Holds to the oath of secrecy;
  • Won’t make a verdict on the responsibility of the midwife, or on a compensation.

It’s always possible to propose your complaint to any other office, such as a Regional disciplinary board for Healthcare.

The address of the Commission of Complaints:

Klachtencommissie KNOV

Postbus 2001

3500 GA Utrecht

Telephone 073 – 689 18 90


The full regulation of complaints can also be claimed here.

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