Verloskundigen Vida and Echopraktijk Vida is a partnership consisting of 6 partners. Here you can find information about (the history of) our practice, our vision, our team and how you can contact us. You can also see how to register.

Fill out the form below to register at Verloskundigen Vida. We plan your first intake appointment when you are between 5 to 8 weeks pregnant, but if you are further along you're still welcome at our practice of course! Before we plan [...]
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When you have your first check-up we will be conducting a detailed history. This is why we ask you to fill out the questionnaire below. This way you can prepare for the questions and you can try to find out the things you don't know [...]
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Regularly we have trainee midwifes in our practice.
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Here you can find the latest news about our practice and team!
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Fixed items of our care are our information evenings about the delivery and breastfeeding. We advice you to visit these evenings during your pregnancy. You'll receive valuable information, which we don't always have enough time for during [...]
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Verloskundigen Vida & Echopraktijk Vida is een maatschap die bestaat uit 6 maten. Onze praktijk heeft inmiddels een bijna 20 jarige geschiedenis in Amsterdam Zuidoost! Eerst als 'Verloskundigen Amsterdam Zuidoost' en later als 'Cigueña'.
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Look here for contact information, directions and locations.
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Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!
Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!