Maternity Care
At the very start of pregnancy, it is important to arrange good childbed care. If you spend your childbed at home a maternity help will visit you the first 8 days every day. She helps you taking care of the baby and yourself, and guides you through breastfeeding. She also warns us if something goes wrong, because during childbed we are still responsible for your and your baby’s health. We will come by approximately every two days to check on you and the baby, to see how things are going. We are always reachable during that period.
You can sign in at the agencies directly (see below) or via your insurer. Since 1st January 2021 we started our own Maternity Care company, KraamzorgVida. At this moment it is not yet possible to register online, as we are looking for more maternity nurses to complete our team. Ask your midwife during your consult or send us an email to require for options to register.
Agencies for maternity care
At the following agencies you can register for maternity care:
De Kraamvogel
T 0900-5151575
T 020-417 1163
ACK-Zorgmaat Kraamzorg
T 020-600 6667
Het Geboortecollectief
T 06-57956112
Kraam en Co
T 0294-287706
Joy Kraamzorg
T 06-19951643
Kraamzorg De Waarden
tel. 0182-325555