Fixed items of our care are our information evenings about the delivery and breastfeeding. We advice you to visit these evenings during your pregnancy. You’ll receive valuable information, which we don’t always have enough time for during your check-ups. Of course your partner is more than welcome at the evenings.
At one of your visits we invite you to these evenings.
Information evening Breastfeeding
On Feb. 27th, April 2nd, May 21st, July 9th, Sept. 3rd we will be organizing an online information evening from 19.30 till 21.30. The evening will be held in Dutch. You are able to join us for this evening when you’re in your third trimester. You can register yourself by emailing us at
Information evening Giving Birth
On the 12th of February we will be organising an information evening about Giving Birth. The information evening will be held in English. We will gather at 19.30 till 21.30 at Reigersnest in Reigersbos. You can register yourself by emailing us at
On March 12th we will be organising an information evening about Giving Birth at the Torenkamertje in De Brede Hoed in Diemen. The evening will start at 19.30 and we aim to finish up at 21.30. You can register yourself for this evening when you are in your 3rd trimester, by emailing us at
The evening will be held in Dutch.
On the 24th of April the info night will be held in English at Torenkamertje at the Brede Hoed in Diemen.
On the 16th of May the info night will be held in Dutch at Reigersnest in Reigersbos.
On the 5th on June the info night will be held in English at Reigersnest in Reigersbos.