Here you can find the latest news about our practice and team!

Call for participants

AIMS stands for ‘Amsterdam Infant Microbiome Study’. The aim of this study is to examine how microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses develop on and within the bodies of young children.

Vida has a contract with all health insurance companies!

We have a contract with all health insurance companies in the Netherlands. All midwife care, home birth and birth at the hospital because of medical reasons are included in the basic health insurance and will be compensated.

Non medical ultrasounds

At the moment it's not possible to book an appointment for a non medical ultrasound.

Covid Vaccine

We are receiving a lot of questions about the corona vaccine, and understandably so. During the pregnancy you not only feel responsible for yourself, but also for your growing baby. This can lead to some people therefore wanting to get [...]
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Here is some information regarding the evening curfew: People who need urgent medical care are not required to have a declaration in order to be in the street after 21.00h. If and when you are stopped you will need to explain why you [...]
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Corona Update 20-10-2020

Now that the number of Corona cases is increasing again throughout the country, we at Vida Verloskundigen have decided to tighten the measures and want to us this Corona newsletter (#3) to inform you about this. The Vida midwives, [...]
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Update Corona

Increase in number of Corona cases Now that the number of Corona cases is increasing throughout the country again, we at Vida Verloskundigen have decided to tighten the measures again. We will continue to work together to stick to [...]
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Update Coronavirus

Now that the measures around Coronavirus are being expanded across the country, we at Vida Midwifery are doing this as well. We are happy to share this with you! The past several weeks you have missed being able to take your partner with [...]
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Birth control possible again!

In recent weeks, the birth control consultation hours have been canceled due to COVID -19. On the advice of our professional association, we have decided to restart birth control care, so we can relieve the general practice doctors and [...]
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Dear client and partner, The advice around the coronavirus is updated every day. The national organization of midwives (KNOV) has issued an advice for obstetric care. Every midwifery practice in our region is going to follow this [...]
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Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!
Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!