The first steps.

We process your details as soon as possible after you’ve registered yourself through our website. We try and call you within a day of you registering, to plan your first appointments. These are the intake and first ultrasound.

Your first appointment for the intake is planned by us when you’re between 5 to 8 weeks pregnant. You will be taken care of the team closest to where you live. The intake takes about 45 minutes and during this appointment your midwife and you get to know each other better. She will also tell you more about what to expect the coming months in regards to our care for you throughout your pregancy. We will also go over your medical history and that of the biological father. For this reason we ask you to fill out the questionnaire on our website, just below the registration field. This way you also have a better understanding of the kind of questions we will ask you, and it’ll give you time to find out things you don’t know yet in regards to this.

The first ultrasound is performed when you are 10 weeks pregnant. We call this the term ultrasound. During this ultrasound we are able to see exactly how far along in your pregnancy you are.

We advice you to take 400 micrograms folic acid (vitamin B11) from now on if you haven’t started taking this yet. We advise you to start taking folic acid from the moment you want to become pregnant until at least your term ultrasound, in other words until 10-12 weeks pregnancy. This way you reduce the chances of a spina bifida for the baby. You can buy folic acid by itself or as a part of a multi vitamin for pregnant women at the drug store or the pharmacy.

More information about your diet can be found at our page with advice or at the website of Voedingscentrum.

Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!
Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!