
Together with Team Bijlmermeer/De Ronde Venen we form Team 2

Our Colleageu Team:

Team Bijlmermeer/De Ronde Venen

Our work area:

Team Gaasperdam/Arena/Gein assists all pregnant women in the postal areas: Reigersbos, Gein, de H-streets, Arena and Hondsrugpark.

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Welcome to Team Gaasperdam/Arena/Gein

We are your regular midwives: Rofayda Tagmount and Melissa Sloot

Rofayda is a committed midwife who, upon completing her studies and internship at Vida, made the conscious decision to stay: she loves Amsterdam Zuid-Oost! Rofayda believes the best part of the job to be the birth itself. For this she doesn’t mind being woken up at night! Rofayda has completed a doula training and knows a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, and is able to provide advice in this domain. She also has a healthy dose of humor which is enjoyed by both the clients as well as her colleagues at Vida. Rofayda has one daughter, born in 2015.

Melissa studied nursing before following her heart and switching to midwifery. And she has now been working as a midwife with great pleasure and satisfaction for over 10 years. South East is in her heart: she was born and raised here. Melissa has two sons. She breastfed and formula-fed and gave birth by caesarean section and naturally. So full midwifery experience, also on a personal level.


Emergencies: 06 54 24 48 60
Other questions: 020-6977016 (Available Mon. to Fri. from 08:30 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:00)
Locations: Health Center Reigersbos Schonerwoerdstraat 7, 1107 GA Amsterdam ZO
Health Center Hondsrugpark Hullenbergweg 250, 1101 BV Amsterdam Entrance at Graydon building; parking possible behind the gate.

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Midwifery Care

Check-up appointments

In the beginning of your pregnancy you will come about once a month for a check-up. This will increase in frequency until the end of your pregnancy when you will come once a week. At essentially all of your appointments you will see one of us. It may happen that due to our appointment schedule or your own schedule it may be more convenient to have your check-up with Team Bijlmermeer/De Ronde Venen


If you do not have a medical indication then one of the midwives from Team 2 will provide the care during labor and delivery. This is Team Gaasperdam/Arena/Gein or Team Bijlmermeer/De Ronde Venen, so aside from Melissa and Rofayda this is Leanne, Maria, Maylis or Remke. Depending on your preferences this can be at home or in the hospital. We have a lot of experience with water births. We change shifts for who is on-call for deliveries every 24 hours.


Prenatal Consultations

Melissa and Rofayda do prenatal consultations on various days. All of the appointments are at the health center Reigersbos and health center Hondsrugpark.


Your midwife is reachable 24/7 for births and emergencies. If the midwife is already busy with a delivery then another Vida midwife from team 1  will come to provide the care during your birth. This does not happen often.

Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!
Let op: Ook bij Vida wordt jouw verloskundigenzorg 100% vergoed door alle zorgverzekeraars!